Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Work log, Tuesday 7/19

I'm posting this a day late - we'll see how badly I lag on journaling daily activity.
8:45am - got a VM from Mike A; he had issues with replication -getting a "server not found" message. We spent some time on the phone trying to find the right area within Notes that allows you to force replication to a particular server. I couldn't find the fix right away, so I let Mike go off to a meeting and did the ol' hunt and peck until I determined you need to select the course database via it's icon, then File>Replicate>Replicate reveals the "replicate with options" option (how redundantly redundant is this phrase?).

So, why force replication, and how did I determine the root cause? Simple -Patrick had previously mentioned that they were replacing servers in Buffalo with newer IBM machines. "Aha", sez I, no doubt stupid Notes caches the DNS on the client somehow, and the client isn't smart enough to perform a lookup when the resolver fails. Or something like that :-)

Lessons Learned:
  • we have ongoing issues with the hub server, particularly when pouring new courses. I wonder if forcing replication from my end would fix the stuck courses?
  • we need better top down communication from the Help Desk to alert all member campuses of planned and emergency maintenance, and these alerts need to think through the possible consequences or side effects of PM. Like flubbing up DNS resolution, for instance.

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