Thursday, March 27, 2008

Finally a good hair day in Second Life

I continue to feel ambiguous about Second Life - there's a high cognitive load in mastering the interface (which I will unabashedly admit I have not), working through your sense of dislocation, overcoming shyness...and bad hair.

My more experienced colleagues tell me that many SL residents will shun noobs, based on their appearance. Very of course I've been on a quest for "perfect hair" for quite some time. Now, I think, I am satisfied; here's the results...

Beyond hours of superficial preening and playing "what should I wear", we've been searching out resources that could complement our online theater courses. Here's today's langiappe for you:
Theatron - which exists both on the web in VRML format and in Second Life (search for Theatron1 and Theatron2). This are amazing efforts that integrate today's 3D modeling techniques with the scientific inquiry of archaelogy.

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